
Author Janice Boekhoff

Due to an insatiable curiosity and a low tolerance for boredom, award-winning Author Janice Boekhoff (pronounced Beau-cough) has worked more than twenty jobs ranging from Loan Consultant (important, but mortgage paperwork makes her sleepy) to Landfill Environmentalist (literally her smelliest job) to Research Geologist (the job that gave her the best tan and the most adventures).

She began writing as a way to express all of the unique ideas colliding in her head. Her browser history would reveal such disturbing searches as: How many people were decapitated in search of the Lost Dutchman gold mine, How easy is it to blow up a glacier, and What’s the best way to kill a dinosaur?

Janice’s novels have been finalists in the Christy Awards, the ACFW Genesis Contest and the Carol Awards, and Extinction Island won the Utah RWA Great Beginnings Contest. When she’s not looking up weird stuff to write about, she’s driving her three basketball-loving kiddos to practice, huddling inside with her hubby during the freezing Iowa winter, or hiking the trails with her active Vizsla in the humid summer.


Heart of the West 2019 Great Beginnings Winner
Janice Boekhoff Genesis Contest Finalist