The Nazi’s Engineer
by J Robert Kennedy
Intriguing and suspenseful. Loved the historical subplot (some sexual content).
Amazonby J Robert Kennedy
Intriguing and suspenseful. Loved the historical subplot (some sexual content).
Amazonby Sheri Zeck
From how we treat differently abled people to what it means to fulfill our dreams, this novel will take you down paths that leave you examining your own perspectives and choices. I highly recommend it!
Amazonby Clint Hall
This story kept me guessing as to what would happen. Well-written and with so many creative details, I felt like I was really on Gunnar’s journey with him. I highly recommend this one.
Amazonby Luke Richardson
Exciting and suspenseful (but clean) read.
Amazonby Tabitha Lord
A science fiction adventure about humans on other planets, some with special abilities (note: some sexual references and language).