Part of Your World: A Twisted Tale
by Liz Braswell
One of my favorite movies growing up was The Little Mermaid! Liz Braswell did an excellent job taking Ariel’s story and rewriting the ending. Highly immersive and detailed. Loved it!
Amazonby Liz Braswell
One of my favorite movies growing up was The Little Mermaid! Liz Braswell did an excellent job taking Ariel’s story and rewriting the ending. Highly immersive and detailed. Loved it!
Amazonby Terri Blackstock
I walked around for weeks thinking about all the electrical conveniences I take for granted. This book will open your eyes to what would truly happen if the power went out.
Amazonby Heather Day Gilbert
What could be more cozy than coffee, dogs … and murder? I highly recommend this fun mystery, and not just because it had a Great Dane in it (one of my favorite breeds).
Amazonby Heather Morris
Based on the real lives of two Auschwitz survivors, this book was both heartbreaking and full of hope. It was deeply immersive so it’s not for the faint of heart. That being said, it’s also not gratuitously graphic, just realistic about what happened in the camps. It’s a powerful journey.
Amazonby Lisa T. Bergren
My first time travel romance and I loved it! The romance is sweet. Medieval Italy is an amazing setting.